About REF-FM
Community Radio for & by Refugees
Growing a network of radio stations to help refugees speak out and become more self-reliant
Worldwide the number of refugees tends to grow. But donor money per refugee tends to shrink. Refugees are more and more required to become self-reliant: from inactive and aid-depended helpless ‘outcasts’ who beg for support, to active participants in host societies.
Listen to the About REF-FM Podcast.
(by NotebookLM)
(by NotebookLM)
Community-based radio run by and for refugees could play a role in this transformation. Radio programs produced by fellow refugees could inspire and empower the refugees so that they might become more (economically) active and more adaptive to their (new) circumstances.

REF FM FOUNDATION therefore plans to help establish a network of community based radio stations run by and for refugees and host communities.